
The Xamarin open source community includes developers from around the world. For the latest information and discussions on the topics you’re interested in, join our official communication channels.


Xamarin development is a distributed effort with developers scattered around the globe. Although a lot of discussion happens on the public mailing lists, the community also engages in interactive discussion on Gitter.

Xamarin Mac iOS Xamarin Android Xamarin Forms Mono Monodevelop

Mailing lists

Discussions related to the ongoing development of Xamarin projects take place on mailing lists. Developers interested in contributing to Xamarin projects are strongly encouraged to join.

Discussions about the development of Xamarin for Android
Discussions about the development of Xamarin bindings to native libraries and Xamarin Plugins for iOS, Android, Windows and other platforms
Discussions about the development of Xamarin.Forms
Discussions about the development of Xamarin for iOS, tvOS, watchOS, and Mac OS X